понеділок, 11 липня 2016 р.

Arbitrage trading with Volfix
If you want to decrease risk of trading one of the way is using arbitrage trading. You should find some instruments with high correlation and explore them. Sure they not working with 100% positive results but a most time you could have a profit.
For example we can take 2 instruments with high correlation. Futures of miniS&P (ticker ES) and Nasdaq (ticker NQ). As we can understad both of them are represent indices. And very often they go in one direction. We should find how often they differ and coincide.
For this we look at the history and find average difference after which they are coincide. Below you can find several examples when you can use it. In Volfix program you can use Arbitrage trading in one click: when in one click you buy one instrument and sell at this time other.

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